Cancellation-Return Policy

Cancellation / return policy – Terms and conditions

In particular, you reserve the above right to return the Product you have purchased by credit card without the obligation to state the reasons, under the following terms and conditions:

1. Right of withdrawal from distance contracts – Return of Products

You reserve the right to return the Products you have purchased by paying by credit card from the Company’s website, within fourteen (14) days of receipt, in accordance with article 3e of Law 2251/1994. You can deliver the Products directly to the headquarters of the Company (emporio Kotsidis – Kapetan Foufa 1, Ptolemaida, Prefecture of Kozani, Region of Western Macedonia, T.K. 50200), or send them at your own expense to the same address as above. In any case, before returning the Products, you can contact the Customer Service department of the Company, either by phone (tel: +30 2463029234), or by sending an e-mail (e-mail to the email address:

In particular, you reserve the above right to return the Product you have purchased by credit card without the obligation to state the reasons, under the following terms and conditions:

(a) You have the right to withdraw from the sale (hereinafter the “Withdrawal”), within a period of fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of delivery of the Product.
(b) Withdrawal is unjustified and you are obliged to return the Product exactly in the excellent condition in which you received it. In particular, the returned Product must not have been used, must be in excellent condition (“as new”), as just before its sale, in its complete original packaging (box, nylon, foam, etc.) and with all the contents of the original packaging (instructions for use, specifications and warranties). In addition, in order to receive a return of the Product, the original purchase document (retail receipt, invoice) must be presented by the person who originally purchased the Product and whose details are recorded on the purchase document.
(c) The return of the Product is accepted, only if you have previously paid any amount that may have been charged to the Company for the shipment of the Product to you and the shipping costs for its return.
(d) The declaration of withdrawal is made in writing by completing the relevant form found here and sending it:
  (1) or to the postal address of the Company listed above;  
  (2) either at the email address and the company is obliged to confirm in writing the receipt of the withdrawal statement as soon as it receives it.
(e) You are obliged to return the Product within fourteen (14) calendar days from the day on which you notified us of the Withdrawal and we have received proven knowledge of it.
(f) Following the Withdrawal Statement, we are obliged to reimburse you for the price we received for the returned Product. The refund to you will be made no later than the same period of fourteen (14) calendar days from the time we received proven knowledge of your Withdrawal. 
(g) Otherwise, the provisions of Law 2251/1994 apply to your right of Withdrawal, its conditions and its exercise, as it does in any other (existing or future) applicable legislation.

Exceptions to the Right of Withdrawal

The above right of your Withdrawal, indicatively and not restrictively does not apply:

(a) In cases where the price of the Products has been paid at the Company’s headquarters and in addition, or the Products have been presented to the customer during the presentation of the Product or have been received from the Company’s headquarters, as the sale is not considered to have been made remotely and does not fall under the protective provisions of Law 2251/1994.

(b) For the rest, for the exceptions from your Right of Withdrawal, its conditions and its exercise, the provisions of article 3b Law 2251/1994 apply, as in any other (existing or future) applicable legislation.